How can therapy help me?
Mental Health Therapy can help you learn new coping skills, understand and process your emotions, and manage stress among many other benefits! To further explore the issues and interventions our clinicians are well-versed in aiding, click here.
What information is kept confidential?
Confidentiality is a crucial part of therapy as it allows clients to build trust with their therapist and discuss sensitive subject matter. There are two instances where your therapist may need to share this sensitive information, which is detailed below. In these situations, your therapist will ensure you are as involved as possible in knowing which select information will be shared. For additional details regarding our Privacy Practices, click here. Informed Consent – There may be information that you want your therapist to share with your healthcare providers or other members of your support system. In this case, we will request your written permission specifying the specific information you wish to be released. Mandated Legal Requirements – All mental health providers are mandated reporters by law, meaning if a therapist believes you are in danger of harming yourself or another person, they will need to share this information with appropriate parties. Your therapist will also need to share if they have any suspicion that a minor, disabled, or elderly person has experienced current or past abuse. Finally, if your information is requested related to a court proceeding, the therapist may be legally required to release information related to the trial.
How long will I need to participate in therapy before I feel better?
Therapy treatment plans are designed to give you tools to create a life that works for you! Some clients feel ready to leave therapy after a couple of months, whereas others see therapy as a long-term, supportive relationship that will stay longer. Talking in-depth with your therapist about your goals and timeline in therapy can help them to create ways of tracking progress.
What are your fees? / Do you accept insurance?
For private pay clients, Sundew’s fees are listed below. This list is not all-inclusive of the services Sundew offers. For a full list of services and associated fees, click here. $200 for an initial intake session and $145 for an individual session. Sundew Therapy & Wellness accepts the following insurance plans: Blue Cross Blue Shield.
Do you offer tele-therapy sessions?
Yes! We are a hybrid office, meaning our staff has both in-office and telehealth hours to meet the flexibility of your schedule and therapeutic needs. It is important to talk about telehealth in more detail with your therapist as they will want to discuss if meeting virtually is the right choice for your treatment. Scheduling, Privacy, Wi-fi connection, and Therapy methods are all considerations for In-person v. Virtual sessions.
What is your 24hr Response Policy?
Our staff will respond to client calls and emails within 24 hrs, Monday-Friday.
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